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Netheril's Glory Chapter 832

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Chapter 832: Staff of the Mage Guild.

The "big action" prepared by the Mage Guild will naturally be very concealed and cautious. In order to keep the secret, they even arranged tens of thousands of "Life Praise Projects" to confuse the audience.

In this case, not to mention that there are only eight people in the "executive group" who can search, even if the entire "silent alliance" is dispatched, if it is not for luck to find the conspiracy all at once, this would be tens of thousands of "oasis". It was enough to delay everyone's time until the wizard guild reacted and destroyed the transfer conspiracy.

Therefore, it is useless to search these oasis. Even because these oasis are so-called "good" projects, when someone uses means to cause damage to the environment to "search", it may attract the deities of the good camp to stop them.

In this case, "more efficient means" is necessary.

In fact, even if the "chairman" hasn't said anything yet, punk probably guessed what this so-called "efficient means" is...

"Since there is no way to investigate specific phenomena to infer essential information, then we will directly target the most essential "source". We can "invite" several persons in charge of the "praise of life" project over one or two. , And then let them answer all the questions sincerely."

Sure enough, the "chairman" thought exactly as punk expected.

I saw him speaking to several "executors" very seriously.

"Don't feel that things are impossible. In fact, any legendary organization that exists in this era will not be as monolithic as you think, and based on reliable intelligence sources, we can also know that the legendary level of the Mage Guild is composed of the same combat power. The throne of the sun, two luminous mages, four morning star powerhouses, and eighteen ordinary legends are formed together. However, due to the large area of ​​influence of the guild of wizards in the multiverse and the stretched hands too long, the guild members also have There are clear factions, so out of their total of 25 legendary professionals, 17 members are in seclusion or expatriate status. Only six people are stationed in the Faerun plane to perform "life". Praise plan".

Even according to the speculation of the intelligence provider, the "Life Praise" plan formulated by the Master Guild President this time is likely to be just a bold "alone arbitrariness", because in addition to the six specific plan leaders located on the plane of Faerun, other mages The legendary members of the guild have no idea about this mysterious plan"!

Speaking of this, the spiritual power of the "guild leader" is also obviously more confident.

It can be seen that, in fact, as the third leader of the Silent Alliance, this powerful Yaori Mage does not look down upon the Mage Guild and the president of the Mage Guild, even though the “Silent Alliance” has long since lost its former year. The scenery, that kind of unabashed pride has never disappeared in his mind.

Of course, the self-confidence and pride of the "chairman" is not without reason. In his hands, there are indeed very useful real materials that can be used as part of the "strength".

After explaining the specific structure of the Mage Guild, the "guild leader" continued quietly narrating:

"In my hands... there is a list of these six "garrisons"! As the implementers of the "Life Tribute" project who have been on the plane of Fei Lun for tens of thousands of years, even the ordinary legendary mage among them I will definitely know a lot of information,


What can punk have to say about the ability of the "chairman"? I didn't see the color of the Mage Guild's panties have been picked out!

Spellcasters who never underestimate any enemy don’t think that the Mage Guild, a top legendary organization, pays no attention to their own information. It is conceivable that many ordinary legendary members of the Mage Guild may not have the right to know Faerun. Who is the stationed personnel on the plane?

But the "chairman" can not only get a specific number of people, but also a clear list of people!

You must know that this powerful intelligence acquisition capability is already part of the power of a strong man, so at least for this moment, punk sincerely agrees with the powerful strength of the "chairman".

The list of six people is quite detailed, and this information is directly displayed using a state similar to a three-dimensional image.

I saw the above written in a clear common language font:

A list of those who are stationed on the plane of the "Mage Guild Faerun" and the specific implementers of the "Life Tribute Plan":

The president of the Mage Guild, the 63rd-level throne of the sun-"Archmage" Messwul-Piknat.

Forty-five-level Morning Star Mage-"Sky Rift" Belein Neka.

Thirty-third level legendary mage-"Burner" Ankazan-Yanmei

Thirty-level legendary mage-"Floating Light and Glimpse" Dina Saya Gritta

Twenty-seventh-level legendary mage——"Inscription Sage" Owen-Lilierdi

Twenty-fifth-level legendary mage-"Reloaded Giant Soldier" Horal-Baslu"

Judging from the list, the power of the Mage Union stationed on the plane of Faerun is still relatively strict. The existence of a throne of the sun and a strong morning star absolutely has a powerful deterrent that is difficult to describe in words, and the four ordinary legendary wizards also Enough to deal with most unexpected events.

For example, Ankazan-Yanmei, Punk knows that this guy is the head of the Mage Guild in the Gray Rain Country and the area nearby. His existence is simply a nail used to stabilize the situation in the center of the Faerun Plane. The truth is Every move of legendary organizations such as Zhisi, Santarin will become fearful because of the existence of "nails", but because of the existence of a powerful sun throne and morning star in the Mage Guild, no one dares to be true. Take the risk of fighting a powerful legendary organization to pull out this "nail".

The other legendary masters of the Mage Guild, scattered in various regions of the Faerun Plane, also played the same role as Ankazan-Yanmei in "guarding the territory".

It is conceivable that in such a deadly era and such a stable situation, the Wizards’ Guild has not known how many years it has not faced any enemy challenges. Even the "struggle" with the Santarin Society is only verbal. It's just a conflict. Although the two legendary organizations scolded each other and yelled "We must kill this time" every time, they have never really started a battle in millions of years.

But this time... the calm of the Mage Guild may finally come to an end.

Because they don’t even know that they have been unknowingly targeted by a group of desperadoes who are far more dangerous than Sandalin...

After the announcement of the list, I saw that the "guild leader"'s command was not sloppy. He quickly described the task in a very firm tone:

"The core content of this time "Bone Smash" operation is a planned surprise attack. Lady "Eternal Sleeping Pupil"'s shielding spell will make this operation extremely secretive, and I will personally descend on the plane of Faerun to stare at it. "Archmage" Messoul", to ensure that he has no chance to remedy the problem even if he finds out the problem in time, and your task... is to divide into three groups to raid the three ordinary legends of the Mage Guild residing on the plane of Faerun. Members, catch them alive! Then take it to the designated location in the star realm-this is the mission process this time"!

End of this Chapter
